Business FAQ Page

This is for dōTERRA Sharers and Builders of Our Team Only. You must be enrolled with someone on our team to view this group. There are only 20+ posts here that do not change. Please visit this group before asking questions. Here's a great link to doterra lingo to get you warmed up!

1. Upgrade to Wellness Advocate & Free Website

2. Doterra Business or Hobby?
3. Want Commission AND Free oils - 125 PV Monthly
4. Simple Sharing Tips & Compliance plus
Trifold, 60 Second enroll, FAQ
5. 60 Second Enrollment Script
6. What are all of the facebook groups for? FAQ
7. How to launch your business...beyond sharing
8. How to create a facebook event
9. Make & Take Teaching Tips
10. I enrolled what?
11. The fortune is in the followup - goodie bags
12. How to keep your members excited, engaged & duplicatable 13. How to move someone in 14 days
14. How to structure for ran
15. Structuring Advanced
16. PO3 - Power of 3 Bonus & Compensation
17. Team Business Trainings & Mentoring & Upline Info
Business Calls weekly via meeting id xxx-xxx-xxxx
18. Vendor Events & Followup
19. My friend enrolled in dōTERRA under someone what? How does someone find their uplines?

20. Income Taxes

21. Enrollment & Transfer Forms

In order to share and build with dōTERRA & make commission, you need to have your account set up as a Wellness Advocate. Log into your back office and click upgrade to Wellness Advocate, enter your social security number or tax id and save. You are now able to help people get their own dōTERRA account with you.
Everyone in dōTERRA that is a Wellness Advocate gets a free website. Log in to your dōTERRA back office, click on Account Profile under your name, scroll down to the website tab and follow the prompts! You can use the assigned site name or customize it!


If you really want a dōTERRA business with any income, you have to work and treat it like a business. If you don't want to work, but want to share dōTERRA and have fun, then it's a hobby and you will get paid like a hobby. It is your choice. Not ours. We want you to join us and share dōTERRA in whatever manner fits you and your life best.
I love what dōTERRA does for the world and I want to be a part of it all of the time. What is your level of commitment and your goal with sharing or building dōTERRA?
FULL TIME is when you consistently do the action steps daily and intend to reach a rank to replace your current income and live the dōTERRA full-time Lifestyle.
-- Typical Commitment: 20+ hours weekly, wants to set goals and reach them, desires direction from upline, does weekly mentoring calls with upline to launch business, holds multiple events per month to teach about oils, does make & take events, 1-1 appointments, vendor events, etc.
PART TIME is when you consistently do the action steps, but spend less hours per week doing it (by choice) and you will reach your goals but it just takes longer.
-- Typical Commitment: 5-20 hours, wants to set some goals, agrees to monthly mentoring call with upline, holds at least one event monthly.
SOMETIMES (HOBBY) is when you jump in and work, then you don't think about it again for days, weeks, months and then jump in again - no consistent action.
-- Typical Commitment: will contact upline as needed, doesn't want goals and will share as they see fit.
COMMENT BELOW what your goals are or contact your upline mentor to schedule a mentor session to get you started. There are financial commitments to earning income with doTERRA. See those in Post 3.

1. Always Keep 100 PV saved in your LRP Cart in order to qualify for Fast Start Commissions - the money dōTERRA sends you weekly for enrolling others.
2. Spend 100PV minimum monthly in your LRP cart to qualify for your monthly commissions - see commissions post 16 for more details.
3. Spend 125 PV in your LRP by the 15th of the month to get the free product of the month (POM). You can only get one.
4. Spend 150 PV monthly in your LRP cart to make it easier for you and your builders to reach your PO3 commission bonuses. PO3 information see post 16 on commissions.
Everyone in dōTERRA should have their cart ship date for between the 1st and the 15th of the month and help everyone you enroll set their LRP ship date for between the 1st-15th.


The dōTERRA business model is very simple. Whether you are just sharing with friends or building your just help people get their own dōTERRA Wholesale Account. That's it. We don't sell rollers, bath salts, bottles of oils or anything else. We have no inventory to store, no storefront to pay for, no employees. It's the simplest
business on the planet. You don't need to sell doTERRA. You just need to tell people about it and tell them how to get their own account. SHARE it.
1. Tell people you love your oils and why.
2. Help them get their own account with you.
3. Help them fall in love with the product & get on LRP & save.
4. Help them share dōTERRA, so they can earn some $ to pay for their habit or create an income.
5. Use your existing team Facebook groups and training groups to keep it simple and not recreate the wheel!
For your everyday, easy-to-share dōTERRA trifold brochure (see sample below) order from It's a simple, one page brochure, approved by dōTERRA. It not only tells them the basics, but it also tells them how to enroll with you. They are great for:
1. Handing out at casual settings in lieu of a business card. 2. Using to teach a shorter, simpler class.
3. Handing out at vendor events.
4. Handing out to anyone and everyone.

5. They make a great brochure display.
6. Save it to your phone as screenshots and send via text, pm or email! It's as easy to share as 1-2-3
1. Trifold
2. 60 Second Enrollment Script (post 5)
3. Add em and tag em in the FAQ facebook group. (Post 6)
If you want to do more and host classes, see post 5.

COMPLIANCE - To ensure that on social media you are sharing information that is in compliance with FDA regulations, it's best to pull free graphics from the dōTERRA Facebook Page and the group Oils Biz Dographics - found here
We cannot make claims of what our oils do beyond what dōTERRA has had approved with the FDA. This is a great tutorial from dōTERRA and this page will also help

60 Second Enrollment

This will be your most valuable tool for sharing and building. You will not always get more than 60 seconds to engage and enroll someone. They won't always come to classes. You need to be prepared to enroll someone quickly in any setting. When you begin calling and inviting people to your classes, they may not be able to come. Be prepared to enroll them right then and there on the phone or over fb messenger or text.
How to enroll over the telephone in 60 seconds or in person.

Listen. (No Doterra lingo- ever! We say get your wholesale account - never say enroll or membership)
Ask questions to get them talking and sharing - you can be mentally problem solving while they are chatting.
Lead them- what would you like help with? Sleep, digestive, pain, stress, tell me what you or your family members want to accomplish...You want to be thinking "how can I solve that with the top ten oils". Make notes about their family members so when you follow up you can say, let's chat about what to do for Little Johnny to help him sleep better, like you mentioned on our call... They will know you listened and care and you are off to a beautiful relationship during your follow up. Plus, if you made great notes, you can log into your facebook pages after they enroll and tag them in a topic or two that will peak their interest to start reading and researching. Here's how you do it...
Hi Suzy Q - Yes, I would love to help you with oils. We love them and use them for everything in our home from health/wellness to cleaning to pets, you name it!
1. First, let's start with you telling me what you'd like to accomplish or solve with natural solutions like oils?
...aches, digestive, stress, hormones, sleep, weight? Tell me about yourself. LISTEN & TAKE NOTES
2. Yes, we have oils for that. Plus, our number one product is actually our Vitamin kit infused with our oils, which is key in helping with your biggest health goals you just mentioned- so keep that in mind. Whether you get that now or later, it's a must and
comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. It's $____ (that's it. Stop talking too much. lol. No, seriously.)
3. So here's the best way to get them at the best price - we have a great starter kit with our top oils that will makeover your family's bathroom cabinet. It's perfect for you and what you mentioned (repeat what they listed so they know you were listening- simple. Have confidence in your Top Ten Kit).
4. Would you like the Small bottle starter kit for $150 or Big bottle kit $275? What are you comfortable with?
(STOP TALKING and let them tell you. You may change the small bottle kit to $275 & Big Bottle Kit to $550 if you prefer to sell Home Essentials & Natural Solutions Kits)
5. Would you like to add on the vitamin pack that you need now, or later? 6. Great - I just need to get your information.
7. Go ahead with your address, phone, (etc, keep asking them the info needed on the doTERRA Wellness Agreement)...
it goes on credit or debit, please read your card to me...
8. Here is your total with shipping. $____ I don't quote tax, but you'll get an itemized receipt from doTERRA by e-mail that has that listed for your records. (Whatever they buy, quote them the exact price, add shipping and never quote tax.)
If you order in the future, you may get your shipping refunded, we can chat about that later and all the other perks at our follow up chat.
9. You now have an exclusive wholesale account with us for Doterra, where you'll get everything at a discount. You will have your own user name and password to order on your own account online in the future. This package arrives within a week at your home.
10. Let's set an appt for 7-10 days from now to review your oils in person or over the phone. Which do you prefer? In person or over the phone? What date is good for you?
11. Do you use facebook? Friend me or request to join our facebook groups _________________I'll get you added right away and will tag you in a couple of great posts for support. (Be sure to make your life easier and use the Zimmer FAQ add 'em & tag 'em system. You just add your new member and tag them in post 1,2,3 on how to get started and how to order so they are prepared for your 7-10 day followup.)
12. If you have anyone else you know that's interested, be sure to refer them to me and you get free stuff. OR, even better, it's simple enough that I can show you how to help your own friends and family get their own accounts, which will get you even more free stuff. You just experienced how simple it was. Let me know how I can help with that.
13. Talk to you next week, call me if you have any questions in the meantime! I'm looking forward to helping you! (end the call)
THAT'S IT! You're DONE! Make sure you follow-up: if they are close, deliver or ship a "goodie bag" to them (see goodie bag post 11). Surprise and delight your members for the best loyalty!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POST 6
Use FB group _________________ for Oil use questions.

Use FB group _________________for adding your prospects to help them fall in love with doterra and want to get their own account.
Use FB group ________________ for business questions.
OR Save your questions in a notebook for the weekly business zoom meeting, a mentoring session with your upline, OR contact the dōTERRA business advancement team 801-370-2140 or
Use FB group ________________FAQ to add and tag your new enrollments to help them get started.
Use FB group ________________Business FAQ (this group) to add and tag your new sharers/builders.



1. Schedule a mentor call with the person that enrolled you or the person above them that is doing the business and they will help you get started. Take action. Action is the only way to get results. This call will simply include choosing your dates for your classes and making arrangements for it to be taught via the Internet (zoom or fb live) or in person with your mentor.
2. Order dōTERRA Class in a box kit in your LRP cart. Use the Share & Build Guides to help you get started.
Share guide
Build guide
3. Choose 3-4 dates to host all your classes within 2 weeks of each other. If a guest can’t make your first class, you simply give them the other dates and ask them which class they CAN attend. If they cannot attend any, implement the 60 second enrollment discussion. See Post 5 for that. Choose an online class for friends that are not local and 2-3 in person classes including 2 weeknights and a weekend day.
4. Choose a make & take class or an intro class (you don't make stuff). Have the person that enrolled you teach the first class (or the person above them that is teaching classes). Help your friends & family schedule a fun make & take at their house, too! Invite people using your Names List (100 people you know) from your Share & Build Guides.
5. Do a Facebook Event Invite in addition to texting and calling to invite. See post 9 for sample invite. Help them get into the appropriate fb groups before they are enrolled and after they are enrolled- see post 6 regarding facebook groups and how to use them.
That's it! But most of all, just share what you love about your oils and have fun. You don't have to be an expert. You just tell them the oils worked for you, help them get their own account and help them get into the team fb groups for support.
Please note: mentor calls are scheduled based on action taken. Once classes are held, your mentor will help you with the next action steps. No action=no need for a mentor call. Action = classes scheduled and people invited and/or enrollments completed. Be sure to utilize your resources and empower yourself. This is your business, so treat it like one!





HOW TO CREATE A FACEBOOK EVENT Information for Class Description (edit for your class)

Join us to learn more about dōTERRA essential oils and how they can benefit you and your family.
EVERY HOME needs essential oils and if you don't have them yet, I want to meet up with you. We have an oil for that!
Digestive discomforts Tired, achy muscles Feelings of anxiousness Feelings of sadness Immune support ENERGY
Sleep issues
Scratchy throats
Seasonal threats
Head tension
Skin issues
Weight management
Hormonal helpers
This list can go on and on and on. I can't even begin to tell you how these crazy little oils have changed my life. I can PROMISE they will change yours as well.
RSVP so we have enough oils for you to try!
(If doing a make and take event) We'll be making a variety of different rollers, sprays or other items and they'll only be $5-$8 each. Make whichever ones you like
Video tutorial on how to create a facebook event.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POST 9

We love teaching classes "make and take style". We invite people to come to our DIY Make & Take Classes and use a class handout with recipes from There are more than 20 topics to choose from.
What makes these make and takes so special? Why not just teach intro classes all the time if we are good at them?
1. This class format from Lisa Zimmer is simple and more duplicatable. People do not have to have any oils knowledge to teach them. You read from the trifold (see Post 4), handout the make & take sheet, make stuff and when they have a question about what an oil does, you show them how to use an oils book to look it up. YOU EMPOWER THEM! Anyone can teach these classes with zero experience because you just read from the tools.
2. Guests WANT to come, keep coming back, and bring new guests. People do not want to repeatedly come back to intro to oils classes with their friends once they have been to one.
3. Because your current members want to come back, it improves their oils education and increases their LRP orders. Each time they come back, they learn how to use the oils they already have AND oils they don't have.
4. These classes IMMEDIATELY generate cash flow. You charge $5-$8 per make and take product, so you are basically sampling at their expense. This is a better way to get product in their hands because, in reality, it makes the sample more valuable to them. They need to have a little skin in the game - giving everything away for free devalues your amazing product. PLUS, if you teach it following the training videos at, you will also help them get their own kit or account at the end of class.This process, as taught by Lisa Zimmer, is approved with the Compliance Dept.
5. After some members attend events repeatedly, they see how easy it is and will start ASKING if they can host or teach their own classes!!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POST 10

If you don't know what these things are - ask! It's all about having an amazing, DUPLICATABLE Process!!
1. Enter the enrollment in the computer
2. Facebook friend them (as you told them you would do)
3. Add them to customer FAQ facebook group and tag them in posts 1,2,3 on what they should do next. They'll get a mini member overview there with videos, files and graphics, so your job at their 7-10 followup chat will be super simple.
4. Add them to your chit chat private members fb group and welcome them so they feel welcome to our group and know they are in there. That's where they'll ask questions after your followup chat.
5. Tag them in 1-2 posts in your chit chat members group on their situation, so they see how the group works and get started on learning and feeling confident.
6. Ship out Goodie Bag with things that are not in their kit (if you meet them in person, hand them the goodie bag).
7. Put a reminder in your phone to confirm the "I have my oils now what" appt with them that was scheduled while on the phone for 7-10 days later. Text them confirmation that morning of the appointment to chat on the phone.
8. Together, review "I have my oils now what plus recipes" handouts. Go over their needs and guide them on how to use what they bought and review the recipes page for more ideas. Ask how they liked their goodie bag products.
9. Help them set up their LRP for the next month at the appointment, if they haven't already set it up on their own using the FAQ tips.
10. Check in with them 2 days before their LRP is scheduled to see if they have any questions and again in 60 days. Put those in your calendar.

I give every one of my new enrollees a "goodie bag". I want them to feel appreciated and be excited about the dōTERRA Journey they are beginning!
It holds samples of our most popular products that are not in the average kit. It gets them excited to have new things to try right away. These make good options for their first LRP order. Get the goodie bag samples to them when they enroll so they have fun stuff to try before their enrollment kit even arrives! Don't lose that excitement & momentum they have! Then, when you chat 7-10 days after enrollment they are ready to set up LRP. Help them process their LRP in less than 30 days from the day they enrolled to earn 3 Fast Start Commissions.
Trying goodie bags? Include some of these things...
Organza Bag 6x9 (
A-Z guide or Essential Oils Simplified $1 book (,
Shampoo Conditioner Doterra Sample (Order in LRP)

Deep Blue Doterra Sample (Order in LRP)
Onguard Toothpaste Sample (Order in LRP)
Balance & Serenity Calm/Stress/Sleep (5 ml roller 10 drops each + fco)
Yayoils Happy Mood Perfume Blend
(or use your team name!...5 drops each Balance, Citrus Bliss, Elevation & Whisper + fco in 5 ml roller)
If you are feeling really generous, these are two that we love to add as well.
DDR Prime 5 ml roller (10 drops plus fco/MCT)
Zendocrine 5 ml roller (10 drops plus fco/MCT)
If you have a limited budget, try to always get them a shampoo/conditioner sample and a balance/serenity roller!
You can make your own labels with a labelmaker. Dymo letratag is great. You can order one here:​ or you can order labels from this site- they make labels to match our
Include your business card and make sure your labels tell them 1. What it's for
2. Where to apply it or how to use it and how often
3. If it's a roller for new members include the recipe

The samples available in your LRP cart can be located by typing "sample" in the "quick add by item" section in the cart.


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POST 12
Always have an event on the calendar. It can be Facebook Live
Zoom Webinar Class
Make & Takes

Monthly Team Workshops
This business is not built on simply enrolling people in doTERRA. That is STEP ONE - and just one tiny piece of what we do. If you can't do the next steps 2 & 3, you're not going to succeed OR you're going to make this business harder than it needs to be.
Step 2 & 3 are helping people fall in love with dōTERRA, teaching them to use all the products to live the dōTERRA lifestyle, and then loving it so much they want to share
and duplicate you. If you don't accomplish this, you will always be doing the work yourself and not creating a duplicating team.
When you host ongoing education, it's most successful if it's something they can count on and look forward to. They will want to start bringing friends to events to have fun with them. They'll help them enroll, even if they weren't planning on building, and your team will grow. Create consistency.
1. Go live publicly every Monday at noon to help educate your existing members, their prospects, and your prospects. Educate for any amount of time you like, up to one hour. They will start looking forward to your education, AND what you educate on will start to show up in your members LRPs. You will strengthen their knowledge and level of comfort with the products. They will feel well supported and start to see their community of like minded individuals emerge.
2. Host a monthly workshop with make and take recipes for your whole team (charge for their rollers) to have fun, create community and educate on dōTERRA.
3. Host weekly make and take class or intro class at your home, a business or with a class hostess. Book more classes from those classes to get your momentum going.
4. Have a team business zoom meeting weekly or monthly.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POST 13

When someone enrolls- you get 14 days to move them. If they are WA (Wellness Advocate with social security number entered) you don't ever get to move them again. If they are WC ( Wholesale Customer), and if they wait 90 days before upgrading, you get another 14 day move. If they upgrade between day 1-90 they get locked in where they are. Always move your enrollments where you think you will want them in case they upgrade day 1-90 on their own!
Log into your back office. Click TEAM tab

Click on the person you want to move and enter the ID of the person you want them moved under (their new sponsor).
SPONSOR is the person they are under in dōTERRA ENROLLER is the person that enrolled them
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POST 14
I'm new to dōTERRA . How do I start structuring as a beginner?
Here's how: share with everyone how they can get free stuff and even get their dōTERRA paid for. Ask EVERYONE if they want their dōTERRA free at their 7-10 day oils now what overview call or in person visit. Let them know by hosting a fun class they can get free dōTERRA!
Give them all extra trifolds and show them how easy it is to enroll people by filling out a trifold with their info.
Your goal is to keep people together that are friends, family, etc. Place them vertically under one another. If someone referred you a new enrollment, put that enrollment under them and send them a thank you roller, card or gift. Even if they don't want to build dōTERRA now, they may in the future and you don't want them asking a year from now "where's my friends and family that I referred you?! I should already have a team built!"
You are working towards a PREMIER RANK structure that looks like this (see below)....then replicate this same process with each of your downline.
RANK CHART- to figure out how to get there!
TO START - FIND YOUR TWO!! Find 2-3 people that want to share, build or that will be placeholders and enter their social, so they can be Wellness Advocate. You can help them build or you build below them if they are a placeholder (someone holding that place until you get a real builder- great options may be mother, father, brother, sister, cousin, best friend).
Schedule a mentoring appointment if you have questions or concerns.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POST 15
Structuring video -
I DON'T CARE WHAT RANK YOU ARE, FILL OUT A RANK PLANNER FOR BLUE DIAMOND OR PRESIDENTIAL. Build 2 legs first to 3k, then a 3rd to 3k. Structure each of those legs based on your chart. If you have 3 people that want to build sooner, great! Those 3 can go on your front line.
The people spending 100PV monthly that are going to be the people you help build to rank to qualify you for your rank go in the circles. It will change often as people's goals change. How do you know where to put people if you don't know where you are going?
Presidential has 6 legs that they hold the enrollment to that are Platinum or higher for each leg.
Blue Diamond has 5 legs that are each Gold or higher that they hold the enrollment for them.
Diamond has 4 legs that are each Silver or higher that they hold the enrollment for them.
Platinum has 3 legs that are each Silver or higher that they hold the enrollment for them.
Gold has 3 legs that are each Premier or higher that they hold the enrollment for them.
Silver has 3 legs that are each Elites or higher that they hold the enrollment for them.
Premier has two legs that are each Executives that they hold the enrollment for them.
Elite has 3k volume - I recommend building two legs with 1500 each volume but it doesn't matter as long as it's 3k volume
Executive 2k volume - I recommend building two legs with 1k volume each but it doesn't matter as long as it's 2 k volume
It's so important to work with our uplines to help and have clear communication. Are they helping you build? Are you communicating with them? What are their goals? How do you fit into their goals? How do they fit into your goals?
Your uplines don't know how you work unless you communicate with them. If you have engaged uplines = blessed. Take advantage of it! If you don't have uplines working with you, work with Business Advancements Team or Account Managers for Silver and Above.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POST 16
PO3 BONUS - You must have 3 people on your front line spending 100PV on LRP.

Your total Overall Volume (OV) for you and your front line ONLY must be 600 OV or more & you'll earn $50 bonus. Repeat this process with three people on the line below you because they will earn $50 and you will earn $250, and so on.
To see where you are in OV for front line volume, go to DASHBOARD, and in the middle of that screen is a power of 3 chart telling you your PO3 volume and your overall volume for your whole team. If you earned the bonus, the $50, $250 or $1500 tab will light up blue.



JOIN us for team calls weekly via and meeting ID xxx-xxx-xxxx We discuss the specials, product education, building tips as a team.
Here is our Dropbox/Google Drive of past recorded meetings (load link HERE). MENTORING
You may request a mentor session from your upline. The checklist below is in the files tab if you would like to schedule a mentor session.
If the person that enrolled you doesn’t build a business or teach classes, you can locate your upline in your back office.
Go to:
Wellness advocate service tab at the top Upline listing

It will show your uplines and their contact information. Contact them, starting with the upline closest to you until you find someone that can help you.

Table Set up
Youtube link showing table
Make your vendor event table beautiful with this vendor/tradeshow event package with professional graphic designer printouts to set up any table display! Available
Tips from Advocates that have held successful events! Youtube link here
Video includes how to enroll new members on the spot and how to follow up after the event with those that didn't enroll that day.
You cannot sell repackaged goods at an event - rollers, bath salts, etc. As always, our role is to share the product and help them get their own account.

Can they change to my team?
We STRONGLY discourage people switching teams. It's extremely rare that it would be a good idea.
Do not ever suggest to someone in dōTERRA that they should switch to your team. You can lose your account for doing so. If they ask you, you can refer them to customer service or ask them more information. Tell them to go into their dōTERRA back office and see who their enroller uplines are and ask them to contact them for help. If no one responds to them, then yes, you may help them. Tell them to contact dōTERRA customer service at 800-411-8151, have them ask them what to do and then contact you after.
How does someone find their upline to see who they are enrolled with? This part is easy. Go to dōTERRA back office. Click Wellness Advocate services at the top, click upline listing. It shows you!
If they have not ordered for more than 6 months with dōTERRA, they very simply send an email. The email must be from their email account on file with doterra- to: and cc: your email address.
They should write this...
--> I, their name and their dōTERRA ID (or phone/email if they don't know their ID), would like to transfer to
Enroller - Your name and your ID
Sponsor - you provide them name/ID of who you want them placed under on your team for sponsor so they can put it in their email.
dōTERRA placements will move them if it's been more than 6 months since they have placed any orders.
YOU WANT TO MAKE SURE you give them this exact wording and be sure to ensure they get moved where you want them.
In dōTERRA we encourage people to "grow where they are planted." They would lose all their LRP points, their LRP percentage, their downline, etc. if they transfer. Please encourage them to enjoy their oils where they are.

Changing teams is frowned upon. Imagine if you put the work into helping someone choose dōTERRA and they stopped ordering and went elsewhere because someone told them to. I would not like that after I invested time and goodie bags!
Also keep this in mind if you have poor followup and you have Members that have not ordered in 6 months, they can leave you with just an email. Help your customers fall in love with doterra and order!
I have friends on other teams in dōTERRA. We all work together. You can add them to your Public Education groups if they need support.

dōTERRA will send you a 1099 postmarked January 31 or sooner. If you don’t have your 1099 by mid February, contact dōTERRA Business Advancements Team.
For tax record keeping, contact an accountant and they can help you. It is well worth the money for an accountant. Our accountant only charges us a couple hundred dollars, but saves us tons. He has shown us many ways to write off expenses we knew nothing about.
Basics include:
Mileage to and from your appointments, hotels, flights, rental cars.
Receipts for meals or coffee when you meet and chat with people about dōTERRA
Cost of supplies, books, giveaways, organza bags, AZ guides, etc.
Every state and country are different, so it's important that you work with a professional for your area.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POST 21

Located in the files tab of your builder facebook group. You can also fill them out in the back office of dōTERRA. Click Team Tab, Placements New Tab and follow the prompts. Please work with your upline, mentor, business advancements team of dōTERRA or your account manager if you are rank Silver or above.


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