Stinking Thinking


Science is beginning to catch up to what God has known from the beginning. Science is now learning that the beginning of everything is THOUGHT.  It has energy as everything natural does.  It can be measured.  Scientist have discovered that every thought, emotion, feeling & belief are recorded in every cell of the body. Thus explaining memory recall when a trigger point is presented such as a sound, smell or familiar sight to a traumatic event bringing one back to those feelings of trauma as if it were happening all over again ten years later.  
So, it begins with thought.  THOUGHT gives way to the thought in motion creating EMOTION.  Emotion creates FEELINGS. Feelings lead to our BELIEFS.  Sometimes we need to recognize the stinking thinking is where the negative in our life begins and take that thought captive.  Examine the negative thought and get it line with God, with what it should be.  Don't ya think?
Imagine if we directed our thoughts and energy to positive ones......
So if everything natural has measurable energy, what does that mean?  

We know a healthy body measures around 72 mhz.  Essential Oils have varying measurements from 52-320, coming in much better than herbs and foods.  Rocks, Trees, Dirt have energy.  Everything natural has energy.  Cotton fabric has 100 mhz and organic cotton has about 140 mhz.  Linen fabric has 5,000 mhz!  No wonder God instructed the priest to strip down, bathe and put on fine white linen before entering HIS temple!
Guess what?  Colors have energy!  So does Musical NOTES!  
Did you know the colors of the rainbow in order?  I found it interesting that every rainbow starts with RED (Blood of Jesus) and ends with PURPLE (Royal color he is clothed with in eternal heaven).  Just a thought... 
At this point, you are probably seeing the importance of positive thoughts.  Lets take it one step further!  A little bit of a basic science lesson.  The DNA has to do what the brain tells it to do.  It doesn't think about it.  It just does it.  The RNA carries out the action the DNA tells it to recording everything in each cell of the body. One can deduct that if this is true, then if we tell ourselves we are sick we will become sick, eventually, even when were not before hand.  Hence, the importance, even vital, need for AFFIRMATIONS to stay in a positive state of health.  
Emotions are information-carrying molecules that bind to and react with cell receptors.  They go into the cell, impacting function and behavior.
In other words:  Emotions, in their smallest and most basic form, are chemical molecules.  In this image, the cell is receiving these molecules on one of its receptors.  Receptors are molecules that function as senses or scanners, much like our eyes and ears.  These receptors gather in a cluster at the surface of a cell, waiting for a chemical to attach a message.  This new information is received inside the cell - impacting your energy level, your behavior, and your mood.  
         Because emotions are chemicals, they are not limited to the mind.
Emotions flow and are processed throughout the body.  Science reveals there are complex neural-processing functions in the mind, heart and gut.  These “3 brains” are neural networks with independent memory and intelligence.  This means you can actually process feelings in each of these brains. 
The mind is like a conductor, directing the body to feel emotionally and behave physically.  The heart discerns the messages our brain receives.  The gut responds accordingly, distributing health or illness to the rest of our body.

         One of the reasons essential oil molecules go cellular so quickly is because they are extremely molecularly dense.  One drop of essential oil has 40 million trillion molecules.  Tiny molecules from the chemical compounds in essential oils can service every cell of the body within minutes.
         Because of their chemical complexity, essential oils promote emotional AND physical detox.  They help remove conflicting cellular messages and encourage cellular restoration.  
  • They support those receptor sites on the surface of our cells - reviving and enhancing them.  Plus, there are no proteins present. This is one of the reasons essential oils do not carry side effects!
  • They go into the cell efficiently, after they bind to the receptors on the cell’s surface.  This efficient process enhances cell function.
  • Also, essential oils are able to restore and maintain the state a cell is naturally and intelligently designed to embody! 
Now you can probably begin to see how important our thoughts, what we say and what we believe really are.  
One drop of Peppermint is equivalent to 26 cups of peppermint tea.  Quality matters!  We recommend to only ingest doTERRA essential oils when ingesting.  CPTG (5 step process of testing)  guarantees you get the same oil in every bottle...100% pure.  It is the natural pureness of an essential oil that allows it to so effortlessly penetrate the cell, correct what is wrong and nourish the cell creating a healthy one.  This is why essential oils are so effective with emotions and depression.  

So, Watch that Stinkin Thinkin!

Attitude of Gratitude!  


    Your Life

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